old.cbuzz.co.uk cBuzz Films - Apollo 13

Apollo 13

Certificate PG

running time 2hr 20 mins

Director Ron Howard

My male companion for the viewing of Apollo XIII seemed considerably moved at the close of the film and proclaimed it as having been 'really powerful'. That was a male point of view. Myself, being female with no knowledge or particular interest in the mechanics of a car, let alone a space rocket, found 2 and a half or so hours on the subject a little heavy going. Had I left my seat mid-film to go grab a coffee for an hour, not much would have been missed.

The film is based on the true story of Jim Lovell's failed attempt to land on the Moon shortly after Armstrong. This provides an interesting and historical background and the special effects leave you with the question of 'How do they do that?'.

Admittedly Apollo XIII has a superb cast whose acting abilities cannot be faulted. However, after the excellent performance of Tom Hanks as Forrest Gump, one can not help but wonder if his formidable talent is not somewhat wasted in this new role.

Well, don't be put off by my opinion (isn't that the purpose of reviews? - ed), go and see the film and form one of your own. (SH)